Thai Massage therapies when done in a proper manner by well-trained masseuses are proven beneficial to those suffering from both bodily and mental fatigue. Yet there are times when you cannot get this type of massage at any part of your body otherwise you might get adverse effects instead. Let’s see when you should simply let your body rest without massaging.
- If you have been drinking or using recreational drug, please stay away from massage. These substances dull your pain receptors so things that should hurt don’t. The result is your injuries. You might also get drunker as your blood vessels dilate and therefore likely to vomit on the table. Better to get a massage when you are sober.
- If you have high blood pressure or other abnormalities of blood vessels e.g. varicose veins you should avoid Thai massage because you have the risk of blood clotting and might not be aware of it. There are risks of plaque buildup in your blood arteries and this plaque might break when the therapist exerts pressure on your body while massaging. Blood clots will be released and can travel through the circulatory system to your brain, heart, lungs and other sensitive organs and damage them. However, if you are addicted to this relaxing activity, you can still get a light massage but make sure to consult your doctor and therapist before taking one.
- When you have skin infections such as ringworm, herpes and athlete’s foot because the infection might transmit to other parts of your body and it is not nice to the therapist who might get infected as well. If your skin condition is not contagious nor causing you pain then Traditional Thai massage is fine.
- Fever may seem trivial but Thai massage might worsen it and it is also contagious to therapists and other clients. When you have a fever, your body is trying to fight and expel an invader which can be bacteria or virus of some kind. Thai massage boosts circulation so the invader spread throughout your body too. Also trying to handle your runny nose on the table is not quite comfy.
- Traditional Thai massage can stimulate irritation and inflammation. If you have anything that ends in –itis, such as phlebitis (inflammation of a vein), dermatitis (inflammation of the skin), arthritis (inflammation of the joints), etc. it is best to avoid massage at least at the inflamed area.
- Right after a surgery, you can often experience pain, inflammation and scarring. A session of Thai massage can help reduce these negative effects and accelerate healing. However, wait at least a week or two before getting massage and avoid the wound.
- Customers with bone problems should be careful about getting Traditional Thai massage. If you have osteoporosis or brittle bone disease, Thai massage may be too intense. But a little light massage to the surrounding areas of mending bones after a fracture can improve circulation and be quite helpful.
- One of the benefits of Traditional Thai massage is it boosts your lymphatic system. Unfortunately cancer can spread through the system so the massage may potentially spread the disease as well.
- If you are pregnant or just give birth, Thai massage is beneficial and perfectly safe as long as your therapist is qualified. But it might be best to avoid massage especially if you have any complications for both your and your baby’s safety.
- It is normal that you want to massage right away after a strain or an injury but you should not. Wait at least two or three days to let your body heal itself first then book a session of Thai massage.
Massage therapy is awesome and does help with pain but now you see it is better to consult your doctor or therapist before arranging for a massage session. Hope you like our article and don’t forget to share it to your friends!