Secret Power of Massage Oil’s Scent

Have you ever had the experience when all of your memories flash back by smelling some particular scent? That familiar odor amazingly brings back all the emotion, the feeling and the memory you had related to it. This is how powerful scents are and ,on the other hand, out of the five senses in your body, the sense of smell is probably the most powerful one. While some scents may bring back memories, there are ones that will also make you want to prolong the presence, like the smell of the relaxing aroma you experience when you are having a Thai massage. So here are the 5 scents from the massage oils that will entice you to ask your massager for an extra half an hour!

  • Jasmine: Its scent must have been found the most in literatures and that is for a reason. Many describes the scent as heavenly sweet and warm. Jasmine evokes the experience of gentle breeze which dissolve the emotional barriers, no wonder it is universally beloved.
  • Lemon Grass: The scent of lemon grass is recommended for those who want to soothe from physical or even mental pain. Whether it’s a headache or a heartache, the clean citrusy touch will cure it all.
  • Coconut: The sweet, milky and vanilla-like odor coming from that coconut oil massage is incomparable. Apart from its scent, coconut oil also comes with many health benefits
  • Lavender: It is believed in many regions that the scent of Lavender help purify the body, the mind and the soul. The calmness that the scent of lavender provides will make you want to stay in that atmosphere eternally.
  • Lemon: One of the most commonly-used scents in aromatherapy comes from lemon oil. It gives you a wide range of benefit from treating skin irritation to alleviating headaches.

There are many more aromatic scents used in the Thai massage industry, but these are the top five scents that we suggest you to look for the next time you go for an oil massage!
